Monday, March 31, 2008

11. RSS Feeds

1. Hot New Releases>Books>Children's Books>Literature
This feed from Amazon provides hourly updates for the latest releases in children's literature. For librarians, this is a convenient way to learn about the vast array of children's literature being published each day.

2. Home>Arts & Humanities>Literature> Children's Literature
From, this feed provides articles and discussions on various topics relating to children's literature. Book reviews are also available. Many participants are librarians or teachers. This is a nice way to stay connected with a group that's interested in children's literature.

The blogger for this site provides the following description, "Children's literature is not for the weak. It's a ruthless, cutthroat business with lots of gnashes of the teeth. Children's librarianship, in contrast, is a sweet, sweet ride. I'm just gonna include links and tips to things I find interesting, while also including a review of a children's book each day."
This feed provides links to the blog's podcasts which focus on various aspects of librarianship and topics related to children's literature. For example, the podcast titled, "Talking TOONs and Giver Woes," includes three book talks and an interview with Art Spiegelman of TOON books. This is another great way to stay connected with other's in the field.

These feeds were located by searching for "children's literature" at

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